Monday, August 21, 2023

Summer Break is Over!

A few of you have noticed the lack of blog posts for the last couple of months - a few of you have even asked if I was done posting.  I just took a break.  Some of you know that we lived for a couple of years on the island of Guam, and our youngest daughter was born there.  We left when she was about 2 months old, so we had always planned on taking her back to see where she was born.  Unfortunately, the original plan to go right after she graduated from college had to change due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  We were thrilled to be able to go this summer, and we just got back a few weeks ago.  We spent about five days on Guam, and I have to say that very little has changed.  Guam will always hold a special place in our hearts - the people and the island are just incredible.

We flew back home via Tokyo, Japan and took the opportunity to spend a few days there as well.  There is absolutely nothing quite like experiencing a different culture.  I think that if more of us had the opportunity to do that, perhaps the world wouldn't feel so large.  I ate more Sushi than I hope to ever eat again, and I wouldn't recommend visiting Japan in August (it's unbelievably hot and humid there in the summer).  I think we were most impressed by how Tokyo is so clean despite being the largest city (by population) in the world and having absolutely no trash cans anywhere on the streets.  Apparently everyone carries their trash with them and brings it home for disposal!  Lastly, I would have to say that the mass transit system is one of the best I've ever encountered.  Tokyo is an amazing city, Japan has an amazing culture, and our family had an amazing time.

My plan is to resume my previous schedule of posts at least twice a week.  I've been doing a lot of background reading and research, so I am looking forward to sharing it all with you in the coming weeks and months.  Happy Summer to everyone, and I look forward to getting back in the swing of things with posting real soon!

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