Thursday, July 11, 2024


Regardless of what you believe are the causes at play, there is no question that the world is getting warmer.  According to data analyzed by the University of California Berkeley, the average mean land and ocean temperature has been steadily and significantly increasing since the 1960's.  Like it or not, our climate is changing.  There are significant public health risks to climate change, which is one of the best reasons why those of us in health care should care about environmental sustainability.  

The vast majority of scientists state that climate change is driven by the release of greenhouse gases.  The United Nations' Paris Climate Agreement adopted by 195 countries in 2015 (the United States withdrew from the agreement in 2020 but rejoined in 2021) states that we need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 45% by 2030 and to net zero by 2050 in order to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.  The health care industry accounts for a significant percentage of greenhouse gas emissions, with U.S. healthcare driving about 10% of all greenhouse gas emissions in our country.  Recent data suggests that healthcare is becoming more, not less, polluting, and hospitals are the biggest offenders of all in this regard.  Here is another good reason why those of us in health care should care about environmental sustainability. 

We generate a lot of waste in health care.  Don't believe me?  The artist Maria Koijck was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019 and had to undergo a mastectomy.  More than a year later, she underwent breast reconstruction.  She asked her surgeon if she could have the waster from this operation, and she worked with her daughter to create an art video.  Just watch the video at her website using the link here.  She said, "This is the waste from one operation." 

It's a powerful video and a powerful statement.  We need to do better - all of us.  If your hospital is not investing in environmental sustainability, now is the time to urge them to do so.  

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