Saturday, September 12, 2020

"The score takes care of itself..."

 I just finished a superb book by the legendary NFL football coach, Bill Walsh, called "The Score Takes Care of Itself: My Philosophy of Leadership".  It is, by far, one of the best leadership books that I have read in a very long time.  Even if you aren't a football fan, the lessons and advice that Coach Walsh talks about in his book are instructive.

The title of his book says it all - "the score takes care of itself."  In other words, football players and coaches shouldn't necessarily focus on winning or losing.  Instead, they should focus on execution of the fundamentals, in Walsh's terms a "Standard of Performance."  If a team is living up to these high standards of excellence, the points will come and the team will win.  If not, the other team will score more points and the team will lose.

The same recommendation is true when running a business.  Executives shouldn't focus directly on profits, revenues, and expenses.  If they bring a great product to market and provide superior customer service, the profits will undoubtedly follow.  Similarly, when running a hospital, leaders should focus on providing safe, effective, patient- and family-centered care.  If the hospital is providing easy access to care and a great service with excellent outcomes, the revenues and positive margins will follow.

It seems relatively simple - because it is simple!  In football and in life, the score does take care of itself.

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