Wednesday, April 3, 2019

"Every individual matters"

The anthropologist Jane Goodall was born 85 years ago today.  In addition to her wonderful contributions to the field of animal behavior - she is considered the world’s expert on chimpanzee behavior - she once offered a great quote that has relevance in our world today:

“Every individual matters.  Every individual has a role to play.  Every individual makes a difference."

Just a few years ago, Goodall wrote a piece for Time magazine called "The Power of One".  The article starts with a powerful observation - "The greatest danger to our future is apathy."  Here she is talking about what we all can do to address issues like poverty, world hunger, and climate change. 

She further writes, "You can be overcome, however, by feelings of helplessness.  You are just one person in a world of 6 billion.  How can your actions make a difference?" 

"Can we overcome apathy?  Yes, but only if we have hope.  One reason for hope lies in the extraordinary of human intellectual accomplishment.  A hundred years ago, the idea of a 747, of a man on the moon, of the Internet remained in the realm of science fiction.  Yet we have seen those and much, much more."

Goodall has led an amazing life.  She observed and studied the social and family life of chimpanzees in the Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania for over 55 years.  Her contributions to primate behavior research have relevance in our own day to day lives (remember, we are members of the animal kingdom too).  Consider that humans share nearly the exact same DNA as chimpanzees (there's barely a 3% difference).  Some would argue that the genetic differences between humans and chimpanzees is ten times smaller than that between mice and rats.  They are truly our closest relatives in the animal kingdom.  We have learned so much from these amazing animals, and there is so much more to learn. 

Jane Goodall certainly made a difference.  Her research has inspired countless men and women who have followed in her footsteps.  She is one of the leading voices for conservation in our world, and we can certainly learn a lot from her life.

"Every individual matters.  Every individual has a role to play.  Every individual makes a difference."  Ask yourself, what difference are you making in the world today?  If you can’t say, then ask yourself why.  You can make a difference - chances are, you already are.  Go out and be the voice of change.  Make a difference.  Matter.

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