Monday, October 22, 2018

"I won the what?"

Given all of the hype about the Power Ball and Mega Millions lottery jackpots, now estimated at over $2.2 billion combined, I decided to take a quick detour from my normal blog post schedule (which I will resume again, on schedule).  I've written a number of posts in the past on mission, vision, and values.  My last blog post ("That's what being a Boilermaker is all about"), as a matter of fact, was about the incredible success of a team with a shared sense of purpose.  So, with these thoughts in mind, ponder if you will, how you would answer the following question, "If you won the lottery today, what would you do?" 

"Would you quit your job and do something else?"  It's kind of an interesting question really.  If you never had to worry about money again, what job would you want?  If you are one of the fortunate ones (and there are probably more than a few), you might do the same job that you did before winning the lottery.  Alternatively, maybe you would leave your current job and go work for a charity or some other nonprofit.  I am sure some of us would just go and live on a beach somewhere, and that is okay too. 

My point, really, is to get you to think about your purpose in life.  If you had all the money that you could ever wish for, or at least if it was enough to give you the personal freedom to do whatever you wished you could do, I bet that you would find yourself doing something that gave you a sense of purpose.  I bet that you would find yourself doing something consistent with your personal mission, vision, and values. 

Part of being a leader is knowing for who and for what you stand for in life.  That, my friends, is called a purpose.  Finding a job or position that is consistent with that purpose - something that is consistent with your own personal mission, vision, and values - is really great.  If you have found that job or position, you are truly blessed.  For those of you who have not found that job or position, I would ask, why not?  Does it really take winning the lottery to do that?

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