Sunday, April 8, 2018

"Be kind whenever possible"

I just got back this afternoon from a nice, relaxing vacation at the beach with my wife.  One of the things that really impressed me occurred on the very first morning after we had arrived.  We were out running, and we both noticed the number of individuals who looked up and said, "Good morning" as we passed each other by.  I stopped counting after about 20 "Good mornings."  It was a really nice touch that made us both feel welcome.  What impressed me even more was the fact that a number of these individuals were people like us - just there for a nice beach vacation!

It made me stop and ask myself, "How much better would the world be if people started looking up from their cell phones, newspapers, or quiet thoughts, smiled, and said 'Good morning' to everyone who they passed by?"  Can you imagine it?  That level of kindness is contagious. 

The Dalai Lama (who has authored a couple of books on kindness), once said, "Be kind whenever possible.  It is always possible."  Kindness starts with saying, "Good morning."

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Derek! Dave would absolutely agree with you! He says good morning wherever he goes. Many people walk by and have no clue who they even passed.
